This booklet, The Sadhanas of the Green Tara and her Twenty-One Emanations, was translated in 1997 from Tibetan into English by Lodrö Tulku Rinpoche and edited by Rachael Wooten, Ph.D. This collection is derived from a larger collection of Sadhanas compiled by Khalka Damtshig Dorje (1781-1855). The translation adheres to the classical format of Sadhana practice in the Indo-Tibetan tradition, with some editing for brevity.
Additional materials in the booklet include translations of the Sanskrit terms in the Sadhanas as well as several prayers and poetry. These Sadhanas are part of the original source material for Wooten’s book, Tara: The Liberating Power of the Female Buddha. Wooten combines the ancient Tara tradition with depth psychology to help us connect more deeply with Tara, and access the blessings of her manifestations within ourselves and in the outer world.
The Sadhanas of the Green Tara and her Twenty-One Emanations booklet was first created for people who had taken the initiation of the Twenty-One Taras with Rinpoche in 1996. In honor of its original purpose, this material is being made available only to those who are already familiar with the practices, either through practice with Rachael Wooten or through an initiation with Lodrö Tulku Rinpoche. It will not be offered to the general public.
Price: $20 (includes shipping)
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