rcwms|Resource Center for Women & Ministry in the South, Inc.
Weaving feminism & spirituality into a vision of justice for the world
Kim Gaubault recognizes that self-care is often the component that remains a form of intervention (after the break or the medical emergency) rather than a preventative measure. When we allow our bodies, minds and/or spirits to break down in the course of doing this work, we are not only putting ourselves at risk but we are putting at risk the integrity of the work for which we are laboring. This work is a work of self-love, communal love, Womanist Ethicism, it is multi-generational, multicultural and is not finite, but is instead as infinite as the beauty in the divinity that is Blackness. Come and share in this life’s work! This program is specifically designed to offer practical tools for everyday self-care to Black women-identified individuals doing all forms of ministry, in church and community.
July: I Remember When…: Revisiting Moments of Love, Longing and Living
August: Bag Lady: The Art of Letting Go
September: The Joy (and the Oh Boy) of Mothering While Black
October: Legacy: Gifting Our Wealth to Generations to Come
November: Honoring the Uncommon: Giving Thanks for the Unconventional
December: Perspective: Reflections on the Journey
Leader: Kimberly Gaubault (McCrae) is an intentional lover of humanity and actively lives the self-care life about which she teaches and advocates. Her personal philosophy of interpersonal interaction is, “If I’ve not positively influenced someone everywhere I’ve gone, I’ve not walked in my purpose.”
Cost: $10, $25, or $40
per session. Choose the price that fits your budget.
Register for July below.
Register for August: HERE. September: HERE. October: HERE. November: HERE. December: HERE.
Registrants will receive a Zoom link in the automated ticket confirmation.