Things move a little slower around the RCWMS office during the summer months, but there are still plenty of upcoming workshops in June and July you won’t want to miss!
First up, join Allison Kirkland June 21-22, 2019, at Trinity Avenue Presbyterian Church in Durham, NC for To Taste Life Twice: Building the Personal Essay. Come spend the weekend in a supportive and structured personal essay writing workshop. This class is perfect for those who can’t commit to a 6 or 8-week class but would like to recommit to their writing practice. Learn more and register here.
Starting July 11, Rev. Adrienne Koch will be leading a four-week series on the Enneagram, as part of our program to support younger folks’ spirituality. Join other women and nonbinary folks under 40 for this four-week class that will cover: Triads and Resource Points; Ego Defense Mechanisms and Body-based Character Structure; Instinctual Subtypes: Self-Preservation, Sexual, Social; Deepening Spiritual Awareness. Note that you do not need to have attended the Teaser course in March to attend the series, although a working knowledge of the Enneagram and your type will be useful. Learn more and register here.
July 14, Kimberly Gaubault (McCrae) will be back in Durham at our office to offer her popular workshop, The Ministry of Black Women’s Self-Care. This program is specifically designed to offer practical tools for everyday self-care to Black women-identified individuals doing all forms of ministry, in church and community. Read RCWMS trustee Solita Denard’s reflections on the previous workshop here, and register here.
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