Two years ago when we were hiring RCWMS Anita McLeod interns, a reference check for Rachel Sauls said, “I don’t really have time to talk right now. Just hire her. You can trust me on that.”
Rachel joined the RCWMS team just a couple months prior to the onset of the pandemic. We thought we’d be blessed with her talents for the spring semester of 2020, and then she’d be off to Yale Divinity school. If there are pandemic blessings, having Rachel work with us for a year and a half tops the list. She deferred grad school for a year and continued with RCWMS, to our great good fortune.
Rachel has all those skills that pop on a resume. She’s organized, creative, thorough, and a terrific writer and editor. It’s her soft skills, though, that we will miss the most when she departs the Triangle to begin an MDiv. When the pandemic hit and RCWMS was forced to switch to online offerings, Rachel became an essential member of our team. Without her, we would simply not have had the capacity to assemble and offer so many online programs. Her problem-solving skills, unwavering grace, and humor in sometimes-hectic moments were critical in allowing RCWMS to be a stable resource for the community during such hard times.
Rachel also played an integral role in the Meinrad Craighead project, book publication efforts, and fulfilling book and Tara Card orders. (Heaven knows how we would have mailed out nearly 800 packs of Tara Cards without her.). We are at the stage of wondering, “What will we ever do without you?” We are feeling lucky and grateful for the extended time we’ve had with Rachel. We will join the chorus of Rachel fans saying, “Trust us, you will want her on your team.”
Good luck Rachel! We are already scheming ways to keep you involved!
Jane Austin says
Rachel, you are a gift. You have been that wonderful wise beyond your years, gift to RCWMS. You were also a gift to me as I did my first presentations using zoom. Your kindness, compassion, and loving presence was deeply and still is greatly appreciated by me. Blessings and Love, Jane Austin
Mary Clark Moschella says
Can’t wait to see you at YDS! Welcome, welcome!
Nancy Corson Carter says
We wish you all the best. Thanks for everything you have so generously offered in service for RCWMS. We so enjoyed meeting you and getting to know you a bit. Hope we meet again!
Nancy & Howard Carter
Terry Yasuko Ogawa says
Thankful for you, Rachel, and blessings as you make your way north. Will see you around Southern New England, I hope!