rcwms|Resource Center for Women & Ministry in the South, Inc.
Weaving feminism & spirituality into a vision of justice for the world
From an opening reception, to vibrant worship, to insightful workshops, to intentional conversations, this year’s Homegrown: NC Women’s Preaching Festival will live into the theme “Her Voice Through the Generations” as we honor the voices of the generations of women that began at the empty tomb and continue through today. Our featured preachers and presenters include Rev. Yvonne Delk, the first African-American woman ordained in the United Church of Christ, and Rev. Jerusha Neal, Assistant Professor of Homiletics at Duke Divinity School, and others.
While we aren’t really about big names, fancy titles, or “experts,” we are about academic study, the creative arts, diversity, intentional relationships, and preaching. Mostly, we are about YOU! The gifts and wisdom, joys and challenges, you bring to this festive learning community for two days are the heart of who we are. We hope you will plan to join us!
Click here for the complete festival schedule